The Jampa Project assists former Tibetan political prisoners who are unable to procure sufficient aid from other sources when they arrive in exile. The project provides basic financial aid with the aim of helping its recipients become entirely self-sufficient. The Project helps former Tibetan political prisoners cope with their nightmarish prison experiences and help them regain their sense of human dignity so that they may live a happier life outside prison.
In response to the urgent needs of former political prisoners, the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) in collaboration with the Paris-based Jampa Project has initiated a humanitarian fund for former political prisoners.The aid provides financial assistance to a number of former Tibetan political prisoners who have endured particular hardship as a result of their non-violent activism against injustices in Tibet.
Prison condition in Tibet is brutal and inhumane. A wide range of torture methods are used to force “confessions” from Tibetan political prisoners, or to simply humiliate them. While some prisoners have managed to survive through years of this torment, others have died.
When Tibetan political prisoners are finally released, the horror unfortunately does not completely end. The Chinese authorities deny former political prisoners equal access to employment and social services and forbid monks and nuns from re-entering their monasteries or nunneries. Prohibited from returning to their previous way of life, former political prisoners enter into yet another state of torment.
As a result of enduring years of abuse, many former political prisoners suffer from physical and psychological disabilities. Many are therefore unable to work and are in desperate need of additional medical and financial assistance. Sometimes resources are too low and some former political prisoners are unable to receive assistance. The Jampa Project endeavours to fill this glaring gap with temporary and long-term assistance to former Tibetan political prisoners in India.
“Upon release, a political prisoner is expelled from his or her monastery, school or job. The person is not allowed to be part of the society again. This is the most difficult part of our lives. We are not afraid of going to prison but the life after prison is unbearable.”
“… the worst was when they would make me strip and beat me with electric batons all over my body. Electric batons of wire are used all the time: they tie the wire around the wrist and the shock is extremely painful. I was hanged a lot… for 10 to 15 minutes each time …”
~ Gaden Tashi, former political prisoner
Watch this space for more information in the coming months when the official website of Jampa Project goes online.