Chakdor Tsering, editor of the Tibet journal “Daser” has reportedly been detained in June 1997 for political reasons. However, nothing is known of his whereabouts till now.
Chakdor Tsering, 30 years old, is from Amdo Lharang. He acquired his education in the Sangchu District Primary School in the Kan-Lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. In 1989, he joined the Tibetan Teacher’s Training school in the Tsoe City of the region and completed his study in 1992. During his study, he was under much scrutiny by the District Security officials and the Chinese teachers in the University. His moves were always observed as they suspected him of holding anti-Chinese views and they feared he would create some unpleasant stir in the university. After the completion of his studies he worked as the editor of the “Daser”, a quarterly Tibetan journal of the Kan-Lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in Gansu province. Recently, around the month of June, he was arrested for political reasons and since then his whereabouts remain unknown.