西藏人权与民主促进中心在十一世班禅喇嘛 33 岁生日的第二天,在达兰萨拉举行的新闻发布会上发布了《2021 年西藏人权状况年度报告》。这份报告以藏文、中文和英文三种语言提供,记录了中华人民共和国政府持续和严重侵犯人权的行为,包括任意拘留和酷刑、宗教镇压以及广泛镇压言论和信息自由的权利。
Today is the 75th anniversary of the United Nations when the UN charter went into effect in 1948. As we commemorate the UN Day to reaffirm and recognize our common challenges and belief…
China’s widespread and intrusive practices of mass surveillance and censorship have served as a perfect foil to continue perpetrating human rights violations with impunity in Tibet. Since 2008 when Tibetans held widespread protests calling for freedom and return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Chinese authorities have tightened control to ensure that such an event will never happen again. For years now, the Chinese Communist Party (‘Party’) authorities have enforced a model of social control that has proved highly successful in silencing Tibet and encouraging the rapid forced assimilation of Tibetans.