Prisoner updates

Ngawang Sangpo joined the Drepung monastery in 1983. In the first week of May 1991, Lhasa City PSB officials and monastery authorities detained Ngawang and two other monks for more than seven months on suspicion for hoisting the Tibetan National flag in the main prayer hall of the Drepung Monastery.  In 1996 he was again arrested and sentenced to two year labour. According to reliable sources he had made copies of the long life prayer and the proclamation document of the Panchen Lama composed by the Dalai Lama and extensively distributed amongst Tibetans in Tibet.  Jamyang Tsultrim (lay name Tashi Tsering) is a 28 year old monk from Bayan, close to Amdo Tsongkha in the Qinghai province. In 1990 he was arrested for the first time after visiting India for a Kalachakra initiation, charged as a “propagandist” of the Tibetan freedom movement.  On 1 or 2 March 1996 he was again arrested, for unknown reasons, by PSB officials. Recent reports indicate that Jamyang was sentenced to two years prison term on 7 January 1997.

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